
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 23, 2019

كيف الطريقة في تحصيل الفوائد وتثبيتها ؟ الشيخ الفقيه محمد بن حزام

بسم اللــــه الرحمـــــــــن الرحيم

How to perform Ghusl. Sheikh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammad BaaShu'ayb

... 🔸A lesson from the book: "Ad-durrarul Baheeyah"  By the imaam Ash-showkaani May Allah have upon him🔸 🍂An Explanation by the virtuous Sheikh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammad BaaShu'ayb May Allah preserve him🍂

The enmity of the hizbees for this blessed d'awah. Sheikh Muhammad bin Hizaam

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم The enmity of the hizbees for this blessed d'awah ... And the declaration of the hizbeeyah of Al-bur'ee and the associates of Al-ibaanah By the virtuous Sheikh Muhammad bin Hizaam may Allah ﷻ preserve him  This declaration was from his dhuhr lesson on Saturday 3rd of rabee'ul Aakhir 1441. __________