Uyghurs. Ethnic cleansing in China. Words from an Uyghur man to then muslim word

Testimonio de un musulmán Uyghur en comentarios de youtube, hace un mes:

As an Uyghur, I find it very true.Thanks But I have a question to the world,especially for the Muslim world: Why no of you take any action ?for Chinese money ? Where is your humanity ,where is your Islamic faith ?you all sold to Chinese ?
Chinese see Islam as an mental illness and terrorist religion, they say all Uyghur Muslims aree terrorists, why you still don't say anything ?
Most of the Muslim countries are in Chinese government's list of terrorist countries, they publicly detain is someone ever been to your country or if someone have any contact with you, Sooner or later, Chinese money and investment will end, and you will see the Truth, China is never been your real friend, it's all about money, they need your oil, that's all, Most of Chinese see you countries as backward, uncivilized countries, never see you as an order normal country, never see your religion as one of the world religion. 
Now you guys blind yourself with money, but you will see soon that. Chinese are very cunning, untrustworthy, but at that time, Uyghurs will be a history, Uyghur Muslims will disappear because of your greediness and selfishness ,Allan will not forgive you too. 
Open your eyes, at least speak someone for us, Help us, voice your opinion, money can Wait but Uyghur and Kazakh Muslims are being killed now ,they cannot Wait ! Do something before it's too late ! The situation of Uyghurs and Kazakhs in East Turkistan now is the same with Jewish people's situation in Nazi concentration camps in 1930s. We should realize that. 
If UN and others international organizations don't take immediate action, those who in the camps will die soon, I am very serious.
Uyghurs,Kazahs and others Turkics speaking ethnic minorities are very different from Han Chinese, that's why they are the target of assimilation.
Chinese CCP wants those people believe their communist ideology,follow the party, but sadly those Turkic minorities are religious and still very different from Han Chinese, Uyghurs rejected being assimilated, that's why Chinese accelerated their assimilation process One thing is true, Islam or so called anti terrorism is just an excuse for assimilation and persecution, because CCP is against any religion, now CCP is also fighting against Christians in Beijing, Zhejiang .....,they are destroying Churchs and persecuting Han Chinese Christians just like they are destroying mosques and persecuted Muslims in Xinjiang. Donot believe Chinese lies, their are never honest, always cunning, you will know it's true when understand deeply the Chinese culture. 
Chinese are not trustworthy, they have no idea about social contract, they will do anything to achieve their goals, they don't care about morality or Humanity
They don't have a god, they are not afraid of doing evil. Yeah, I admit that there were a few so called terror attacks by Uyghurs,but that's just agroup of anti government civilians, it's just very few people, and that don't make the whole thousands of millions of Uyghur or Kazakh terrorist, A rationally people should realize that. 
What China is doing is typically ethnic cleansing.
We need take action to Help and to save those minorities, they are also humans, they also deserve our attention and generous Help. Please, spread this information, let more people know the truth ,the world deserve to know the Truth. Sharki Turkistandiki Uyghur Ve Kazakh millatlernig hazerki ehwali Eyni Vakittiki Germaniye lagirdiki olturulgan Yehudilargha Ohshayde, Karindashlarning buni tonup yitishini umud kilmen. Khitay bizni kirip tugutup, bizning yurtini khitay halkiga berip, U yurtini manguluk ozining kilmakqi, bu del ular devetkan muqimliqqa yitish plani. Navada UN kirip tekshurmise, Helkara jeddi harkatlenmise Hazerki lagirdiki Kishlar putunlay olup tugaydu, khitay. ularni koyuvatmaydu. Doslar, bu uchurni kopaytip tarkitp koyunglar, tehmu kop Adamlar hakiki ahwalni bilsun ! Dunya biz Uyghur and Kazakh halkinig avazini anglisun !


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