The ruling on fasting on yawmul jumu'ah (Friday). Shaykh Abu Bilaal Al-Hadhramy

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

Fasting on yawmul jumu'ah, if it is fasted with the day before it or with the day after it then it is permissible as it has been authenticated from the prophet ﷺ in saheehul bukhaari that he entered on one of his wives who at that time was fasting on yawmul jumu'ah so he ﷺ asked her:

"...أتريدين أن تصومي يوم بعده؟"

Do you intend to fast the day after it also?(1)

So He indicated that it (fasting on yawmul jumu'ah) is permissible if an individual wanted to fast the day after it.
The intent behind the prohibition (of fasting on yawmul jumu'ah) is to specifically fast on yawmul jumu'ah. So if an individual specifically fasted on yawmul jumu'ah because he believed it to be virtuous, then this is not permissible.

As for if he wanted to fast a day before it or after it (along with yawmul jumu'ah) then the prohibition is lifted (in this case) due to this.

And likewise if yawmul jumu'ah happens to coincide with yawmul Arafat or coincides with other than that from the occasions then it is permissible to fast yawmul jumu'ah by itself, because the intent isn't specifying yawmul jumu'ah (in this case) rather the intent is that this day (yawmul jumu'ah) just so happened to land on a occasion which fasting on its day is urged and incited on.
(So In this case) yawmul jumu'ah has coincided with a day in which fasting is desired upon. So this is not from the angle of specification if this day is singled out and fasted nor is there a need to fast a day after it nor before it in order to stay away from and lift the prohibition.

 وعن أم المؤمنين جويرة بنت الحارس رضي الله عنها أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دخل عليها يوم الجمعة وهي صائمة، فقال‏:‏ ‏"‏ أصمت أمس‏؟‌‏"‏ قالت‏:‏ لا، قال‏:‏ ‏"‏ تريدين أن تصومي غدا ‏"‏ قالت‏:‏ لا، قال ‏:‏ ‏"‏فأفطري‏"‏ ‏(‌‏(‏رواه البخاري‏)‌‏)‏

Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith (May Allah be pleased with her), the Mother of the Believers, said that the Prophet (ﷺ) visited her on a Friday and she was observing fast. He asked, "Did you observe fast yesterday?" She said, "No." He asked, "Do you intend to observe fast tomorrow?" She said, "No." He said, "In that case, give up your fast today."

Translated by
Abu Huthayfah
Saamy Al-hindy 

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