Be careful when using social media, O sisters! Shaykh Muhammad ibn Hizām

📩 Question:

Some people enter into groups on social media that, despite being supervised by Shuyūkh and students of knowledge, also have members whose numbers and profile pictures disclose that they are females. This is without a doubt a cause for fitnah, so what is your advice for one in this situation?

📝 Answer:

We advise women who are members of groups supervised by scholars, not to disclose their names or use feminine profile pictures. If she joins groups that are supervised by scholars in order to benefit from the knowledge therein, then she should not disclose anything that reveals that she is a woman; not her name, nor any profile backgrounds/images that are commonly used by women.

This is a cause for fitnah and she could be exposed to harm by way of these groups. A woman may be tempted by a man and vice versa through messaging and the like. It is not permissible for a Muslim to expose himself to fitnah. 

Also, if a woman receives a message from someone unknown to her, she must not respond to it. It is wājib (obligatory) for a woman to protect and safeguard herself from trials. If she comes to know that she is being messaged by a man who is foreign to her, she must immediately block him and not engage in any communication.

Translated by:
Abū 'Abdillāh Abbās Ibn 'Umar Al-Hātimī 

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