If you find your supplications not being accepted, ponder over this. Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu'ayb

Oh Shaykh may Allah increase you in knowledge.

What actions could prevent someones supplication to Allah from being accepted?

And if a person happened to fall in some of these causes of prevention; what are from the ways to distance oneself from it? Bearing in mind he hasn’t had his supplications accepted yet.


Shaqeeq bin Ibrahim said: 
"Ibrahim bin Adham was passing through the markets of Basra, whereby the people gathered around him and said: “Oh Aba Ishaaq, verily Allah, The Most High, said in His Book:
(ادعوني أستجب لكم)
"Call upon me I will answer you"

but we have been calling on Him for a long time and He doesn’t answer us”. 
Ibrahim then said: “Oh people of Basra, your hearts have died in respect to ten things: 

▪️First: You got to know Allah but you do not give Him His rights.

▪️Second: You read the book of Allah but you do not act by it.

▪️Third: You claim to love the Messenger of Allah ﷺ yet you abandon his Sunnah.

▪️Fourth: You claim to be enemies to the Shaytan but you conform to his ways. 

▪️Fifth: You say you love paradise yet you do not work for it.

▪️Sixth: You say you fear the fire, yet you draw yourselves closer to it. 

▪️Seventh: You say death is true but you do not prepare for it.

▪️Eighth: You busy yourselves with the faults of your brothers and disregard your own.

▪️Ninth: You consume the favors of your Lord but are not grateful for them.

▪️Tenth: You bury your dead but take no lesson from them”.


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